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Where and How Illness Originates

If it is out of the biofield from which we, and indeed all life is formed, then it only makes sense that it is here where illness and dis-ease also originate.

Throughout history there have been those gifted with the ability to see the fields of energy around people. Of these people there have been many documented cases of those who could see these fields so clearly that they could not only see what is going on in a person's life at that moment and what has happened in the past, but they have even been able to see an illness or dis-ease before it manifests into the physical body. This should at least begin to show us that it is on an energetic level where dis-ease and matter originate, for if things began with the physical and only radiated out it would be impossible to see the dis-ease before it began, it could only be seen after, or as it was leaving the body.

This is not to say that what happens on the physical level has no part in the process, for that could not be farther from the truth. Just as what happens on the energetic level will eventually affect the physical, what happens on the physical will have a profound impact on the energetic levels and can assist in the manifestation of illness or dis-ease. It is the interaction of both, what we call the "physical" aspects of ourselves and the energetic aspect that can decide when and if an illness or dis-ease will manifest. The next logical question now that we know from where dis-ease originates would be "How?". The number of different causes and the mechanics behind them are too numerous to list here, and I will not even pretend to know or understand them all. If you are interested in delving into this area more deeply, you can see my section on Book recommendations, I will however give you, what I believe to be some of the more common causes of dis-ease(It is important to note that when I use the words "illness" or "dis-ease" I mean any imbalance from stress, fatigue, aches and pains, mental or emotional imbalances, as well as the more serious forms such as cancer, heart-disease, infection etc.)

One of the causes for many illnesses, I believe, is the constant repression of thoughts and emotions. We have already established that both thoughts and emotions are energy, and as an energy they cannot be destroyed and do not decay. Which means to free ourselves and our energy system of these energies we must express them or "release" them. Unfortunately, we are all taught from a very young age not to display our feelings, to hold them inside and "be strong". "Don't wear your heart on your sleeve" is all to common a saying. After days, months, years, even decades of repressing more and more energies, we slowly block the flow of life force energy through our system. Once this happens we have opened the doorway for illness. I believe men are probably worse about this than women, because for a man to show fear, hurt, sadness, tenderness, etc. was and is often considered a weakness. Consequently I often hear the vast majority of men described as "emotionless".(Is it any wonder that men, in general, have a shorter life expectancy than women?)Women on the other hand are usually allowed by society to be more emotionally expressive.

While this is, in my opinion, one of the most widespread problems in our society, it is by no means the only one. Other causes range from traumas that we may have endured throughout the course of our lives, decisions we make, as well as our personal thoughts and beliefs. All of these things can over time affect us negatively and pave the way for illness and dis-ease. Even our environment can affect us. With all the electronic devices in the world today generating man-made EMF's that are highly detrimental to our energy system, along with the micro waves, x-rays, radio-waves etc., flowing through our energy bodies 24 hours a day we are constantly bombarded with things that can and will damage our energy systems.

Reiki's Role in All This
So, how does Reiki, or any form of energy work fit into this? Well, Reiki works on the energetic level, meaning it works, not only on the physical level, as do most techniques in use today, but on all the energetic levels; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is on one of these levels that the cause of the physical symptom exists and Reiki is able to work directly on that level. However, you can't work only on the causal level, as all of the levels of our energy system are interlinked, or, are a part of one another. So, what happens to one level of our being affects the whole. Therefore, it must be treated as a whole. Anything that treats only one aspect of ourselves will never be truly successful. You may be able to make temporary achievements or advancements but there will never be a true healing until all the levels are brought back into harmony. This is what Reiki does. It works on all the aspects of ourselves: the causal level, wherever that may lie, the physical symptom(s) if any, and all the affected areas. It is this aspect of Reiki that gives it its effectiveness. In treating the body as a whole, you are not only able to "heal" or release the initial cause, but also the thought patterns that may have been created by the incident and have aided in perpetuating further instances, the emotion or emotions associated with the cause that have been empowering the thought patterns, and the physical symptom that we are able to perceive.

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